3.5 Foundations of Yoga Therapy for Back Care with Justine Shelton – 7.5 Hrs


Back Pain specialist, Justine Shelton, C-IAYT, shares her expertise in this 7.5 Hour online workshop. You will learn how to keep yourself, and your students safe in Yoga class, as well as the right poses to assist the lower back’s return to healthy function!

Justine will discuss the anatomy and physiology of common conditions such as lumbar disc damage, sciatica, sacroiliac joint dysfunction, osteoarthritis, spinal stenosis as well as spinal curve imbalances.


Low Back pain is pervasive in our culture and one of the top reasons students come to Yoga. Low back pain can be caused by a myriad of structural issues and/or spinal injuries, so not all Yoga poses are appropriate or therapeutic for everyone. 80% of the population will experience back pain at some point, and many of your students will not have a diagnosis, so it is important to know what questions to ask to make sure they stay safe, avoid further injury and improve their condition by learning healthy movement patterns and strengthening the muscles that support their spine. It is imperative Yoga Teachers and Yoga Students be educated on contraindications for common conditions and the proper bio-mechanics needed to support positive change and avoid harm. In this online course, Justine discusses the anatomy and physiology of common conditions such as lumbar disc damage, sciatica, sacroiliac joint dysfunction, osteoarthritis, spinal stenosis as well as spinal curve imbalances. <strong>The 200+ page handout includes the goals of a Yoga therapy intervention, contraindications, prescriptive asanas, and anatomical description of the various low back conditions.

7.5 Hours of Non-Contact CEU Hours – Lecture and Asana

Course Outline

Module 1 Course Introduction
Unit 1 Welcome from Justine Shelton  
Unit 2 Handout: Foundations of Yoga Therapy for Back Care with Justine Shelton  
Module 2 Gentle Yoga for the Low Back: Spinal Curves with Justine Shelton
Unit 1 Video Lecture: Part 1 - Anatomy of the Spinal Curves  
Unit 2 Video Lecture: Part 2 - Dysfunctions of the Spinal Curves and Corrective Asanas  
Unit 3 Video Lecture: Part 3 - Scoliosis  
Module 3 Yoga Therapy for Sciatica and Piriformis Syndrome with Justine
Unit 1 Video Lecture: Part 1 - Sciatica/Piriformis Syndrome  
Unit 2 Video Lecture: Part 2 - Prescriptive Asanas for Sciatica  
Module 4 Yoga Therapy for the SI Joints with Justine Shelton
Unit 1 Video Lecture: Part 1 - SI Joint Anatomy and Dysfunctions  
Unit 2 Video Lecture: Part 2 - Prescriptive Asanas for the SI Joints  
Unit 3 Video Lecture: Part 3 - "Yes and No" Poses for the SI Joints  
Module 5 Yoga Therapy for Lumbar Disc Damage and Other Conditions with Justine Shelton
Unit 1 Video Lecture: Lumbar Disc Damage and Other Spinal Conditions  
Module 6 (1 Hr) Gentle Yoga Therapy Class for the Low Back with Justine Shelton
Unit 1 Asana Practice: Yoga Therapy for Back Care with Justine Shelton  
Module 7 Reading MRIs of the Back
Unit 1 Video: How to Read an MRI of the Low Back  
Unit 2 Sample MRIs of the Back  
Module 8 Quiz: Foundations of Yoga Therapy for Back Care
Unit 1 Quiz - Yoga Therapy for the Back  
Module 9 Interested in Becoming Certified in Gentle Yoga for Low Back Care?
Unit 1 Receive $165 off Online Gentle Yoga for Low Back Care Specialty Certification Program with Justine Shelton  
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Sneak Preview

Watch a Preview!

In this sneak peak video, Justine uses common complaints from students and clients to help us identify which back issues are at play. Though this course, you will understand which practices to employ to alleviate the chief complaints of individuals in your classes or private sessions.

Full Asana Practice

Learning Comes to Life!

The workshop material comes to life in a full Yoga Therapy Class for the Back, led by Justine. You will learn special adaptations, specific cues and sequencing to bring into your group Yoga classes or private student sessions.

Justine Shelton

Justine Shelton, C-IAYT

Justine Shelton, C-IAYT is a graduate of The Soul of Yoga’s 200 hour training and a four year training program with Gary Kraftsow of the American Viniyoga Institute, she is a 500 hour AVI Certified Yoga Teacher and a 500 hour AVI Certified Yoga Therapist. Justine specializes in structural Yoga therapy, specifically spinal disc injuries, back pain management, as well as joint therapy – including prehab and rehab for replacements. Her passion is working with people who have different forms of catastrophic illness, helping them to manage their condition, minimize and cope with pain and, most importantly, helping them to realize they are not their condition. She encourages her students to practice where their body is right now, allowing for the constant change and growth that comes with a dedicated practice. One of the reasons she loves Yoga is that there is always more to learn, always room to grow…..this, in addition to her love of anatomy and physiology, keeps her curious mind in learning mode.


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