Course: Yoga Therapy for Leg Lymphedema with Monique Lonner – 4.0 Hrs


Lymphedema, or chronic swelling and fluid retention, is is a common issue especially in the legs. Diabetes, cancer treatment, even simply a sedentary lifestyle can foster lymphedema, which is not only painful, but creates a risky situation for the nerves, blood vessels, skin, heart and immune system. This video course will explain the lymphatic system and how and why lymphedema occurs, as well as providing you with simple, practical and very effective ways to manage leg lymphedema with the powerful tools of yoga therapy.

4.0 Hours of Non-Contact CEU Hours – Lecture and Asana


This video is an easy to understand users guide to your own physiology! It will help you understand the interrelated processes of the lymphatic system, circulatory and immune systems in a healthy body. Through the yogic lens of prana and apana, and sukha and sthira, you’ll come to see how each of your 90 trillion cells receives nutrients, is cleansed of toxins and is protected from invaders such as viruses, bacteria and cancer cells.

You’ll then learn how common conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, chronic stress and a sedentary lifestyle disrupt the body’s homeostasis at the cellular level and lead to lymphedema. Lymphedema in turn can lead to neuropathy, fatigue, nerve damage, toxicity, reduced immune function and hormonal imbalances. The best part of understanding all this is knowing how to help! Let Soul Yoga Therapy show you how to address these dis-ease states with the powerful tools of yoga therapy.

After this workshop you’ll understand:
– The interrelated physiology of the circulatory and lymphatic systems,
– How cells receive nutrients and are cleansed of toxins,
– The role of the lymphatic system and lymph nodes in the immune system,
– The yogic concepts of Prana & Apana and Sukha & Sthira,
– The importance of balanced osmotic pressure in the body,
– The importance of skeletal movement to circulatory health,
– Why high blood pressure, diabetes, stress and sedentary lifestyle create lymphedema,
– The global damage lymphedema can cause in the system,
– Why yoga practice is extremely helpful for lymphedema cases,
– Specific Yoga Therapy tools for lymphedema.

Course Outline

Module 1 Handout: Leg Lymphedema
Unit 1 Handout: Yoga Therapy for Leg Lymphedema  
Module 2 Video Lecture: Yoga Therapy for Leg Lymphedema
Unit 1 Video Lecture: Yoga Therapy for Leg Lymphedema with Monique Lonner  
Unit 2 Group Exercise: Yoga Therapy for Leg Lymphedema  
Module 3 Asana Practice: Yoga Therapy for Leg Lymphedema
Unit 1 Asana Practice: Yoga Therapy for Leg Lymphedema with Monique Lonner  
Module 4 Quiz: Yoga Therapy for Leg Lymphedema
Unit 1 Quiz: Yoga Therapy for Leg Lymphedema  
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Sneak Preview

The Basis for Healthy Lymph: The Sthira and Sukha of Yoga

This video is a portion of Soul Yoga Therapy’s “Holistic Anatomy and Physiology of Yoga” training, dedicated to leg lymphatics. Learn how Patanjali’s yoga sutra 2.46 relates to the health of one’s lymphatic and circulatory system.

Full Asana Practice

Learning Comes to Life!

The workshop material comes to life in a full Yoga Therapy Class for Leg Lymphedema led by Monique and demonstrated by Justine Shelton. You will learn special adaptations, specific cues and sequencing to bring into your group Yoga classes or private student sessions.

Monique Lonner

Monique Lonner, Certified Yoga Therapist, is the Director and creator of Soul of Yoga Institute Advanced Yoga Teacher Training and Yoga Therapy Training Programs. A Yoga teacher for 15 years, she studied in India, New York and California with Master teachers and spiritual sages including, most notably, the teaching faculty of the Soul of Yoga Institute Advanced Program. Drawing upon her professional skills as a non-profit event organizer she developed the Advanced Teacher Training and Yoga Therapy Program for Soul of Yoga, bringing together those who are considered to be the best of the best Master yoga teachers in the world today. A devoted spiritual seeker, as well as an experienced anatomy and physiology teacher she has created a comprehensive program which balances the study of Yoga Therapy technique with the insight and wisdom of Yogic and metaphysical philosophy.


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