Course: The Importance of Breath in Yoga Therapy with Brian Dorfman – 4.0 Hrs


In this illuminating video Brian Dorfman explains why breathing is such a key component of Yoga Therapy. Through this video you will understand the primary physiological connections between deep breathing and nervous system balance, heart health, digestion, circulation, kidney health and hormonal equilibrium.

4.0 Hours of Non-Contact CEU Hours – Lecture and Asana


Helping someone with their breathing mechanics can make a huge difference to their health and well-being. In this enlightening video Brian Dorfman will explain how the anatomy and physiology of our breathing directly effects our Sympathetic Nervous System and thus has direct effect on digestion, heart health, circulation, emotional state, hormonal balance and more.

Brian will explain the interconnectivity between the movement of the ribs to the Sympathetic Nervous System ganglia, the spinal cord, the spinal disks and the global balance of our physiology throughout the entire body system. Learn why breathing well is the basis of feeling well and how you can address a large range of dis-ease states by working with your client’s breathing patterns in yoga practice.

After this course you will better understand:
• Why breathing patterns are such an important component of Yoga Therapy.
• The anatomy and physiology of the thoracic spine and rib cage
• The anatomy and physiology of the Sympathetic Nervous System,
• The role rib movement plays in breathing well,
• The function of the Sympathetic Nerve Ganglia,
• The importance of deep breathing to nervous system activation and balance,
• The correlation between breathing, heart rate, digestive function and hormonal balance,
• How the kidneys are effected by chronic stress,
• How to effect the over all state of the body through good breath mechanics.

4.0 Hours of Non-Contact CEU Hours – Lecture and Asana

Course Outline

Module 1 Handout: The Importance of Breath in Yoga Therapy with Brian Dorfman
Unit 1 Handout: The Importance of Breath in Yoga Therapy with Brian Dorfman  
Module 2 Lecture Videos: The Importance of Breath in Yoga Therapy with Brian Dorfman
Unit 1 Video: Discussion of the Role between the Ribs, Vertebra and the Nervous System  
Unit 2 Video: Brian Welcomes Guest Students and Delves into their Postural Issues  
Unit 3 Video: Wrap-up Discussion on Ribs/Breathing and Brian moderates a Q&A Session with the Student Teachers  
Module 3 Asana Practice: The Importance of Breath in Yoga Therapy with Brian Dorfman
Unit 1 Asana Practice: The Role of Breath  
Module 4 Quiz: The Importance of Breath in Yoga Therapy with Brian Dorfman
Unit 1 Quiz: The Importance of Breath in Yoga Therapy with Brian Dorfman  
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Support your Adrenals with a Gentler Yoga Practice with Brian Dorfman

Striving, doing, racing, competing can deplete the adrenals and wreak havoc on the Nervous System. Holistic Yoga Therapist, Brian Dorfman, discusses why a gentler pace of Yoga may be just what is needed for healthy aging.

Full Asana Practice

Learning Comes to Life!

The workshop material comes to life in a full Yoga Therapy Class led by Brian Dorfman and demonstrated by Monique Lonner. You will learn special adaptations, specific cues and sequencing to bring into your group Yoga classes or private student sessions.


Brian Dorfman
Brian Dorfman has been treating patients and teaching for over 25 years. He has extensive knowledge and instructional ability in the areas of kinesiology, anatomy, physiology and the biomechanics of movement. Since 1985, Brian has maintained his own injury rehabilitation practice and is an internationally recognized healer. His ability to treat injuries has made him indispensable among Olympic and professional athletes, including national and world record holders in a number of different sports.

In addition to his hands-on healing work, Brian is also a Master yoga teacher specializing in the therapeutic application of yoga. He has over 20 years experience offering group classes and private instruction. Influenced by TVK Desikachar, Brian’s instruction focuses on helping the student develop a personalized, balanced practice. He incorporates asana, pranayama, sound and meditation to create an environment for the student’s innate wisdom to develop.


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