I’ve been teaching Yoga for 16 years and am a certified Yoga Therapist. I teach teachers and I work with many challenging cases. Yet even so, I think most Yoga teachers can relate when I admit that sometimes people come into my class and I think, “oh wow, how am I ever going to help this person?” Such can be the case when we encounter someone with a severe condition, chronic pain or physical abnormality – like having one leg that is significantly shorter than the other.

But in reality, there is always something we can do to help ourselves, the people in our lives and the students who come to us seeking guidance. The help we offer can be even more significant than we might imagine at first.

Here’s one such profound case: check out my teacher, Brian Dorfman’s, story of his client who was seeking relief from the pain of limping on his short leg (or so he thought!)

Check out my teacher, Brian Dorfman’s, story of his client who was seeking relief from the pain of limping on his short leg.

Take the Full Online Course Here! The Abdominal Muscles and Core Strength, with Brian Dorfman – 4.0 Hrs.

If you want to learn more about how YOU can employ the therapeutic tools of Yoga, check out our brand new online learning site – Soul Yoga Therapy! In it you’ll find great workshops covering a broad range of topics, from relieving neck pain, to carpal tunnel syndrome, to healthy sleeping habits. It will help you help yourself and others to feel better. There is no greater feeling than that!

With love,

Monique Lonner,
Directory, Soul Yoga Therapy

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