HAPY Full Program – Holistic Anatomy and Physiology – Syllabus

Shoulders and Upper Limbs

The Importance of Breath in Yoga Therapy with Brian Dorfman
Yoga Therapy for the Rotator Cuff
Understanding Postural Alignment of the Shoulder Joint
Yoga Therapy for the Arm – Part 1 and 2
Yoga Therapy for the Wrist and Hands

Nervous System

Yoga Therapy for the Nervous System
Yoga Therapy for Memory and Habit (Samskara)
Yoga therapy for Stress and Pain
Yoga Therapy for Sleep and a Healthy Brain

Spine and Abdomen

Yoga Therapy to Address Neck Pain
Yoga Therapy – Resolving Headaches and Nerve Pain in the Neck and Shoulders
The Abdominal Muscles and Core Strength
Yoga Therapy for the Pelvic Girdle
Yoga Therapy for the Back

Hips and Lower Limbs

Yoga Therapy for the Hips
Yoga Therapy for the Knees
Yoga Therapy for the Feet and Ankles
Yoga Therapy for Leg Lymphedema
Yoga Therapy – The Marma Points of the Feet